C Paraschos Architectural & Integrated Environmental Design - Construction
In a world of climate change, environmentally friendly methods and techniques are imperative. The negative impact of human activity and behaviour on the physical environment is causing the continuing deterioration of the ecosystem on which life on earth depends and it must be halted and reversed.
Unless the principles of sustainable architecture are taken into consideration, the buildings in which we live and work will become energy consuming traps. These principles refer to the exploitation of the propitious elements of the climate and the modulation of the structure shell in order to achieve minimum energy consumption.
Sustainable architecture uses “passive methods” – which do not require a switching-on process to work – namely: appropriate materials and low effect technologies such as renewable sources of energy, solar and hybrid systems. A comfortable climate is created inside the building, and thus, friendly and healthy living conditions for the individual.
Given the necessity to decongest the city grid, both aesthetically and spatially, our practice operates on the basis of continuously improving the modern way of living, combining contemporary comforts with the true essence of quality. By promoting sustainable designing and way of living, we provide a fundamentally safe and healthy shelter, which is essential to a person’s physical, psychological, social and economic well-being.
Chrysostomos Paraschos